I'm trying to do running total of the calculated field. Here is the detail of my RDL:
In a table, I have "textbox34" with the formula =count(Fields!ADF_NO.Value) in it and "textbox30" with the formula =first(Fields!TOTSTKS2.Value, "ProdServSales") - reportitems!TOTSTKS.value in it. I have divided "textbox 34" with "textbox30", and placed the results in "textbox36". Now, I want to do a cummulative total (Running total) of "textbox36", using the formula =runningvalue(reportitems!textbox36.Value, sum, nothing) in "textbox14". Its giving me an error saying:
"[rsAggregateReportItemInBody] The Value expression for the textbox 'textbox14' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers."
Any suggestions? I appreciate your help on this.
Hello Perm,
Could you try to remove the ReportItems from your RunningValue calculation? Something like this, but you'll have to take out the 'reportitems!TOTSTKS.value' and replace it with the field it's pulling from.
=runningvalue(count(Fields!ADF_NO.Value) / (first(Fields!TOTSTKS2.Value, "ProdServSales") - reportitems!TOTSTKS.value)), sum, nothing)
|||Hi Jarret,
Thanks for your reply.
Value in "reportitems!TOTSTKS.value" is also a runningvalue. It is: runningvalue(Fields!PSR_NO.Value, countdistinct, nothing)
When I try putting this in my query, I get an error saying that "An aggregate function cannot be nested inside another aggregate function".
Is it possible in VBasic...through Report Properties--> Code? Because, all I'm trying to do is to do a cummulative total (RunningTotal) of textbox36.
I appreciate your help on this.
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